Recently, The Detroit News researched the amount of arson cases that took place in the Detroit area between 2010 and 2013. While the results don’t include incidents of arson that happened in the last year, the study still provides a pretty accurate look at the current situation in the city. Reporters for the paper found… Read more »
Tag: Chicago fire investigations
House Fire Claims Three Lives including Two Children
Any time a life is loss it is a tragedy, but that is especially true when a child is taken from a family and the rest of the world. Sadly, that’s what happened in early February when a University City, Missouri house fire claimed three lives. Among the victims were 6-year-old Kaliyah Dunger and her… Read more »
Information on Fire Codes and Violations
Fire marshals often perform fire code inspections without announcement. While violations can incur a fine if left uncorrected, they can also have property damaging or even fatal ramifications. John Michael Agosti & Associates are here to determine which codes may have caused a fire in the aftermath, but here are some of the most common… Read more »
How to Prevent Arson in Your Community

There are some neighborhoods and communities where arson is more of a problem than in others, but whether or not there have ever been any incidents of arson in your area, there are things you can do to help prevent it in the future. Arson can destroy homes, businesses, vehicles, and more. But more importantly,… Read more »
Reasons Why People Will Commit Arson in 2015

Most people in the world cannot even imagine purposefully setting fire to someone’s home or vehicle, and that is fortunate for all of us. But did you know that there are actually several reasons why people commit arson? Of course, none of these reasons are good or make the crime excusable, but understanding why people… Read more »
Toledo Arson
Chicago is an American city that has been marred by fire in its history. Our city, home to the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, continues to see its fair share of arson and accidental fires every single year. However, in terms of modern day fire safety, Chicago is currently well ahead of other municipalities where… Read more »
Arson is a Hate Crime
Arson is often a crime of a highly personal nature. To set something on fire – there’s a sick poetry in that. It’s dramatic, it requires maintained passion to make an impression, and, often, there is a message outside of the need to destroy something that comes along with arson. So it’s not surprising… Read more »
As Detroit burns, all of America mourns
Detroit is dead… Not really, but if you have been paying attention to newscasters and pundits, you would think that Detroit has kicked the bucket. In a way, it has. Detroit has filed for bankruptcy. It has lost its freedom, its independence. The Motor City is a ghost town, chockfull of abandoned… Read more »